Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Merry-go-round and round

I successfully cleaned 80% of my basement today. It was the big thing I wanted to get done when the kids started school. The other 20% is actually not my stuff so I am leaving it to them.
Now as i sit here sort of looking through my blog and laughing. See I don't tag my posts so I can't say search for a topic and see all the posts about say "Merry-go-rounds" but I am sure there are many.
I ran into a blog post that I wrote in 2008 and it was about wanting to get off this crazy Merry-go-round that is my life. I rattled on and on about the 1,000 things I did in a week and how overwhelmed I was and how I couldn't take one more thing. Imagine I have been blabbing about it for at least 3 years without taking any action. God, I hate when people do that and I have been doing it.
You know what? I am so over that.
I will give you the fact that the girls are now both signed up for soccer and dance class and I am still not sure how I am going to get it all done but you know what? It will get done. 1 week at a time I will figure it out.
The basement was the 1st step in my master plan to get off this Merry-go-round and it feels good. It is a small step but it is a forward step and I can't wait.

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Race Results

09/07/07 Main Street Mile 11:44
05/18/08 YPD 5k 52:57 17:05
06/14/08 Walpole Village 5K 35:27 11:26
06/21/08 Mashpee Fun Run 34:21 11:05
07/19/08 Mashpee Woodlands 36.49 11:52
08/10/08 Falmouth Road Race 1:29:31
08/25/08 Women Running Wild 35:40 11:30
10/25/08 Mashpee Firefighters 37:47 12:10
05/02/09 Cape Abilities 5K 34:59 11:17
05/17/09 YPD 5K 36:41 11:50
08/09/09 Falmouth Road Race 7mi 1:37
10/31/09 Mashpee Firefighters 5K 37:15 12:00
09/11/11 Main Street Mile 12:31
10/29/11 Screech to the Beach 5K 39.13 12:20
08/12/12 Falmouth Road Race 1:34:24 13:29
05/18/14 YPD 5k 44.25 14:17
06/1/14 June Jog 4mi 1:04 16:00
08/17/14 Falmouth Road Race 1:42:04 14:35
09/27/14 Girly Girl 5K 37:24 12:02
10/26/14 Pell Bridge Run 4mi 48:41 12:10
11/27/14 Turkey Trot in VA 5K 35:22 11:23
12/06/14 Jingle Jog 5K 34:42 11:11
03/29/15 Thomas Guinta Memorial 5K 34:14 11:03
04/19/15 St. Margaret's 5K 31:11 10:21
05/17/15 YPD Blues 5K 34:58 11:17
06/07/15 Newport 10 Miler 1:56:09 11:36
06/20/15 Mackenzie's 5K 33:55 10:54
08/17/14 Falmouth Road Race 1:33:51 13:24
10/31/15 Screech at the Beach 36:19 11:40
5/20/18 YPD Run to Remember 37.37 12:08
9/19/18 Falmouth Road Race 1:35:06 13:35