Friday, July 15, 2011

What a day, What a day!

It was so full of fun it felt like 2 days. Well it was sort of my 2 days off. Wednesday is now Tutor Day. She comes at 8am and that gets us rolling early. While Olivia worked, I cleaned the house and packed our lunch. By 9:45 we were parked at Old Silver Beach. Getting' a tan and swimming like fish!!
On Thursday we started our day by meeting a new friend. I brought the girls because the Mama held my girls when they were babies. Scary for her to see how much they have grown. He was beautiful and slept in my arms for an hour. Can't beat that!
Now we needed to have some fun. We decided to head towards Mashpee and grab some lunch as that was our end destination at 4pm. After a quick road lunch we headed to a new playground that was still under construction the last time we were there.
Luke's Love was built with children of all abilities in mind. It had plenty of activities for different age levels as well.

At 4pm we were at the Mashpee Public Library for a FREE Mad Scientist show. It was quirky and funny and the kids giggled though the whole thing.

See my girls sitting right up front? Yes they would be the ones heckling Laser Leigh whenever he said or asked something silly. He also played with dry ice and water and showed them how to make spooky smoke and covered us all with carbon dioxide otherwise known as "burps". I was happy they didn't smell like a typical Ava burp.

Of course it wouldn't be my life unless it ended with a little cry-fest due to being overtired to make the day end on a sad note. Through tears they both insisted they were not tired and didn't need their pajamas on. Hell, I know I did. After leaving them at Gramma's for the night I know I went home and crashed and still overslept for work.
I hope Dad can get them in bed early tonight. I know I will be.

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Race Results

09/07/07 Main Street Mile 11:44
05/18/08 YPD 5k 52:57 17:05
06/14/08 Walpole Village 5K 35:27 11:26
06/21/08 Mashpee Fun Run 34:21 11:05
07/19/08 Mashpee Woodlands 36.49 11:52
08/10/08 Falmouth Road Race 1:29:31
08/25/08 Women Running Wild 35:40 11:30
10/25/08 Mashpee Firefighters 37:47 12:10
05/02/09 Cape Abilities 5K 34:59 11:17
05/17/09 YPD 5K 36:41 11:50
08/09/09 Falmouth Road Race 7mi 1:37
10/31/09 Mashpee Firefighters 5K 37:15 12:00
09/11/11 Main Street Mile 12:31
10/29/11 Screech to the Beach 5K 39.13 12:20
08/12/12 Falmouth Road Race 1:34:24 13:29
05/18/14 YPD 5k 44.25 14:17
06/1/14 June Jog 4mi 1:04 16:00
08/17/14 Falmouth Road Race 1:42:04 14:35
09/27/14 Girly Girl 5K 37:24 12:02
10/26/14 Pell Bridge Run 4mi 48:41 12:10
11/27/14 Turkey Trot in VA 5K 35:22 11:23
12/06/14 Jingle Jog 5K 34:42 11:11
03/29/15 Thomas Guinta Memorial 5K 34:14 11:03
04/19/15 St. Margaret's 5K 31:11 10:21
05/17/15 YPD Blues 5K 34:58 11:17
06/07/15 Newport 10 Miler 1:56:09 11:36
06/20/15 Mackenzie's 5K 33:55 10:54
08/17/14 Falmouth Road Race 1:33:51 13:24
10/31/15 Screech at the Beach 36:19 11:40
5/20/18 YPD Run to Remember 37.37 12:08
9/19/18 Falmouth Road Race 1:35:06 13:35