Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Sick Day

So you saw my bitch about working a double shift. I worked on coffee and sugar free Redbull and leaned heavily on Carla to keep me from drooling on myself. So I was not thrilled to get a call just after 2pm from the school nurse that my daughter was sick, her coughing disrupted the class. Oh and yes she needs to go. She has had a cough for 3 weeks. I mentioned it at her physical last week at the 2 week mark and was told-that is the norm right now it will probably be gone in a few day. Well a full week later it is still here and now she is being asked to go home. The Doctor said her lungs sound clear but when I hear it I hear junk. Post nasal drip is her response. Well, humidifier, old fashioned Vicks on the chest and cough syrup is doing nothing. WTF?!?!
When I picked her up she was coughing worse and looked like a homeless kid with dark circles under her eyes. The night before I kissed them both and covered them up in my bed when I left at 11:30 pm for work. I think that did it for her. She claims to have been up all night after I left crying.
So I called in sick thinking we needed to get some rest and get a handle on the cough. All of us were in bed by 7:30 until I was graciously awoken by the sound of vomiting and too close for comfort. Yes, my bed. So how was that 2 hour nap?  I am now up washing sheets in bleach and hot water. Oh and you know it is the other kid because why would only 1 be sick. I send Olivia to her own bed, load Ava in the shower and start making my bed again-all of this before 11pm.
So sick call for me yesterday which kills me. I am new to this. I have rarely had to call in because by evening I can get someone to look after them. Now I am it. I can't ask just anyone to take a kid who is vomiting and Gramma would but doesn't drive. I have to admit yesterday I felt like a cheater. I called in for them but I was fine. I guess that is why they call it Family Sick Day.
I, of course, started my day with a Click and more laundry as our fun and games continued through the night. They spend the day in their pajamas with a rotation of water and toast for one and a new Holistic honey based cough syrup for the other. I, on the other hand, got drawers cleaned, the basement play room straightened up and all the nasty laundry done. It ended up being a good day for me with an early bed time once again.
This morning I had to deal with some squeaky wheels about going to school but what am I supposed to do. I hated calling in yesterday and I gave a whole nights notice. I don't know what I would do if I had to call in in the morning. I know at 7am people are packing it in and planning on going home. They do not want to hear about an additional 4 hours added to their shift.
Today will be spent with my fingers crossed that school doesn't call and searching the internet for a cough remedy that works. At this point I will try any goat fur remedy I can find.

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Race Results

09/07/07 Main Street Mile 11:44
05/18/08 YPD 5k 52:57 17:05
06/14/08 Walpole Village 5K 35:27 11:26
06/21/08 Mashpee Fun Run 34:21 11:05
07/19/08 Mashpee Woodlands 36.49 11:52
08/10/08 Falmouth Road Race 1:29:31
08/25/08 Women Running Wild 35:40 11:30
10/25/08 Mashpee Firefighters 37:47 12:10
05/02/09 Cape Abilities 5K 34:59 11:17
05/17/09 YPD 5K 36:41 11:50
08/09/09 Falmouth Road Race 7mi 1:37
10/31/09 Mashpee Firefighters 5K 37:15 12:00
09/11/11 Main Street Mile 12:31
10/29/11 Screech to the Beach 5K 39.13 12:20
08/12/12 Falmouth Road Race 1:34:24 13:29
05/18/14 YPD 5k 44.25 14:17
06/1/14 June Jog 4mi 1:04 16:00
08/17/14 Falmouth Road Race 1:42:04 14:35
09/27/14 Girly Girl 5K 37:24 12:02
10/26/14 Pell Bridge Run 4mi 48:41 12:10
11/27/14 Turkey Trot in VA 5K 35:22 11:23
12/06/14 Jingle Jog 5K 34:42 11:11
03/29/15 Thomas Guinta Memorial 5K 34:14 11:03
04/19/15 St. Margaret's 5K 31:11 10:21
05/17/15 YPD Blues 5K 34:58 11:17
06/07/15 Newport 10 Miler 1:56:09 11:36
06/20/15 Mackenzie's 5K 33:55 10:54
08/17/14 Falmouth Road Race 1:33:51 13:24
10/31/15 Screech at the Beach 36:19 11:40
5/20/18 YPD Run to Remember 37.37 12:08
9/19/18 Falmouth Road Race 1:35:06 13:35