Sunday, June 6, 2010

June 6, 2003 9:59am

Unfortunately I was still in the film age when both of my girls were born so as I sit here and type I can not produce a good baby picture but above she still looks so young to me. I still see those fingers in her mouth when she is upset or tired. Today was the day she was going to stop she promised. Today she turned 7.
When I left them in the able hands of my best friends at a birthday party she was standing there with her fingers in her mouth still-exhausted from the weekends parties-I didn't mind because this means she still is my little girl, although she is growing up so fast.
Yesterday was her pool party. Nana got her that awesome pool and it was supposed to be the highlight of the party. The real highlight was a pretty serious and strong lightening storm that came rolling through in the morning. Luckily it passed fast and hard and we were able to move the furniture out after in the sun. I sprinkled a bit as you can see above but mostly held off while we had an awesome party with just the right amount of friends and family.

The pool cake came out good-not as lopsided as this photo shows-and she got to add the Pet shop party to her collection.

Today the fun continued with Mikey's birthday(both of them are born on the same day) full of games, pizza and cake. I have not talked to them as my phone seems to be on the fritz but I am sure they will be in bed shortly. They were yawning at 3pm.
Life is good. We are still adjusting to our life as single girls but the girls seem to be doing better everyday. I am happy that we can have these days with Dad included and no stress. I am finding that to be the key to them bouncing back so well.
I want days like this to make bigger memories for her than our recent family turmoil.


Bonnie said...

it was fabulous. She is fabulous.

Live/Love/Life said...

Happy Birthday Liv~ <3

Race Results

09/07/07 Main Street Mile 11:44
05/18/08 YPD 5k 52:57 17:05
06/14/08 Walpole Village 5K 35:27 11:26
06/21/08 Mashpee Fun Run 34:21 11:05
07/19/08 Mashpee Woodlands 36.49 11:52
08/10/08 Falmouth Road Race 1:29:31
08/25/08 Women Running Wild 35:40 11:30
10/25/08 Mashpee Firefighters 37:47 12:10
05/02/09 Cape Abilities 5K 34:59 11:17
05/17/09 YPD 5K 36:41 11:50
08/09/09 Falmouth Road Race 7mi 1:37
10/31/09 Mashpee Firefighters 5K 37:15 12:00
09/11/11 Main Street Mile 12:31
10/29/11 Screech to the Beach 5K 39.13 12:20
08/12/12 Falmouth Road Race 1:34:24 13:29
05/18/14 YPD 5k 44.25 14:17
06/1/14 June Jog 4mi 1:04 16:00
08/17/14 Falmouth Road Race 1:42:04 14:35
09/27/14 Girly Girl 5K 37:24 12:02
10/26/14 Pell Bridge Run 4mi 48:41 12:10
11/27/14 Turkey Trot in VA 5K 35:22 11:23
12/06/14 Jingle Jog 5K 34:42 11:11
03/29/15 Thomas Guinta Memorial 5K 34:14 11:03
04/19/15 St. Margaret's 5K 31:11 10:21
05/17/15 YPD Blues 5K 34:58 11:17
06/07/15 Newport 10 Miler 1:56:09 11:36
06/20/15 Mackenzie's 5K 33:55 10:54
08/17/14 Falmouth Road Race 1:33:51 13:24
10/31/15 Screech at the Beach 36:19 11:40
5/20/18 YPD Run to Remember 37.37 12:08
9/19/18 Falmouth Road Race 1:35:06 13:35