Saturday, June 25, 2011

Post School - Week 1

They may be out of school but I just don't feel like Summer vacation starts until July 3rd when my schedule changes. I did take the last day of school off and this above it how we spent it. I picked up Olivia with her bathing suit and our beach gear loaded in the car and we went straight to Woodneck Beach. The snails almost came home with us. Olivia also got the guts to climb the rocks and jump into the water like the big kids do. It was a great last day of school.
Olivia had 3 days of Sports Camp which was a cool way to spend the morning playing Capture the Flag and Soccer. If it rained they were going to bowl in the hallway at school. Doesn't that sound cool? It is like breaking the law playing in the school after they are closed. It was allowed so no arrests were made.
We started off this week on a bad foot due to a few things we had to get wrapped up. Bedtime has been 9ish and that can't continue.
Olivia has her dance recital Sunday so one night needed to be a shopping trip to tie up all the loose ends we needed for her costumes.While we were out Ava got this awesome new helmet. We require a helmet if you are bike riding and she just didn't have one that fit right.  This of course is the one she picked. I don't think it shows in the picture but besides the teeth it has a fin on the top. She is a weirdo!
Olivia got to tackle one of her birthday gifts which was a make your own clock. My Mom gave me a hand painted clock years ago and the girls love it, unfortunately it is the only non-digital clock in the house. You just don't see a regular clock anymore so I thought she could make her own. After painting it now we just need to put the clock works on and hang it in their room.

Ava wanted to be  involved so I got her all set up with paint and paper. After some cool art she eventually moved on to painting her body. You may not be able to see it above but those toes are blue.Why does that always happen with her?
So far so good although it doesn't feel like Summer yet. I needed pants and a sweatshirt to leave the house this morning.
I am not sure why but I seem to feel like I will have a ton more free time with the new schedule. It does involve 2 evenings and 2 midweek days off so I plan on DOING STUFF! It just seems like the day shift does not give me any free time. I need to get my bike rack on my car so we can jet off on our bikes without much work.
I am so ready to have some fun! Come back for the dance recital post. I took a few pics at practice today as the lights were up and photos were allowed. I am so proud of her. I am especially happy the lights will be low tomorrow so no one can see the tears in my eyes. I am such a sap.
Night folks.

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Race Results

09/07/07 Main Street Mile 11:44
05/18/08 YPD 5k 52:57 17:05
06/14/08 Walpole Village 5K 35:27 11:26
06/21/08 Mashpee Fun Run 34:21 11:05
07/19/08 Mashpee Woodlands 36.49 11:52
08/10/08 Falmouth Road Race 1:29:31
08/25/08 Women Running Wild 35:40 11:30
10/25/08 Mashpee Firefighters 37:47 12:10
05/02/09 Cape Abilities 5K 34:59 11:17
05/17/09 YPD 5K 36:41 11:50
08/09/09 Falmouth Road Race 7mi 1:37
10/31/09 Mashpee Firefighters 5K 37:15 12:00
09/11/11 Main Street Mile 12:31
10/29/11 Screech to the Beach 5K 39.13 12:20
08/12/12 Falmouth Road Race 1:34:24 13:29
05/18/14 YPD 5k 44.25 14:17
06/1/14 June Jog 4mi 1:04 16:00
08/17/14 Falmouth Road Race 1:42:04 14:35
09/27/14 Girly Girl 5K 37:24 12:02
10/26/14 Pell Bridge Run 4mi 48:41 12:10
11/27/14 Turkey Trot in VA 5K 35:22 11:23
12/06/14 Jingle Jog 5K 34:42 11:11
03/29/15 Thomas Guinta Memorial 5K 34:14 11:03
04/19/15 St. Margaret's 5K 31:11 10:21
05/17/15 YPD Blues 5K 34:58 11:17
06/07/15 Newport 10 Miler 1:56:09 11:36
06/20/15 Mackenzie's 5K 33:55 10:54
08/17/14 Falmouth Road Race 1:33:51 13:24
10/31/15 Screech at the Beach 36:19 11:40
5/20/18 YPD Run to Remember 37.37 12:08
9/19/18 Falmouth Road Race 1:35:06 13:35