Today was a day full of different little activities from sleeping to gardening to Ants in your pants and now work. I am not sure now I am going to do it all on the day shift.
I dropped the kids off at school this morning all sexy hot in my Pj's and bedhead(at this point in my life I really don't care what you think!) and promptly drove home and got back in bed. I had set my alarm but I was lucky my Mom called at 11am as I am not sure the alarm clock would have woken me up. It took a couple of moments of where the hell am I as I was in such a deep sleep when she called. I dragged my butt into the shower and went to pick up Ava.

When I got home I decided to do something with myself. I got out some tools and Ava and I planted all the dead Easter flowers so we can enjoy them next year. I transplanted a hydrangea that was planted under our hose holder and usually takes a beating every year. I am hoping that works out as the plant looks pretty healthy with tons of new leaf growth right now. I then moved onto digging up the edge of the lawn again. I did this last year and it just filled in with weeds because we never finished the work. I have been looking at this very expensive driveway ornament for like 2 years now. I figure even if I do a shitty job it is better than sitting in the driveway for another 10 yrs. The finished product is supposed to be a little wall around the circle. I will update you as I slowly move on.

Now inside to check on my pot roast cooking in the crock pot-Yummo but not nearly done in time for work. That is OK I will eat it for breakfast.

Once we came inside and washed up we decided to tackle the Ants in our Pants. This was a great idea for Ava's birthday. It is hard to find a game she can handle. She does spend a whole lot of time lining up the ants while I wildly flick as many as I can in. I guess this is really a great birthday gift for me.

I am happy to report my lawn mower is fixed and the blade is sharpened. The field, I mean lawn really needs the first mow of the year to at least decapitate all the dandelions. I also have a tentative plan to get my weed whacker back and my garden rototilled this weekend. We may be progressing baby steps at a time here.
1 comment:
Wow thats a busy day!
If you need a hand with that wall project, just give me a shout! I did one like that around my pond a few years ago!
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