The first real big thing on my agenda today was to apply for the rebate offered thru the Great Appliance Exchange. There was a mad rush to reserve your rebate of $50-250 bucks off a new appliance and since this is about how well my dishwasher works (below) I figure I should upgrade.

I was at the ready on the website as the rebate would open at 10am and would only last until the $6.2 million in funds ran out. So of course at 9:45 the site crashes because I am not the only person who needs some money put back in their wallet. I go to plan B and try the phone number- NOT. So about 10:45 I get an email from Cape Light Compact - blah, blah, blah....if you want to get a rebate follow this link. I click the big blue box and get right to the site! I am grinning as I print the paperwork for a $250 rebate off my new dishwasher.

Part of my de-cluttering involved getting rid of an old freezer that pretty much was empty except for some cookie dough from last years School Fundraiser. It had to go to the fridge and I can't see good cookie dough go to waste so while I did the waiting game with the computer they created and baked. Pretty cool creations I thought.

After hearing the horror stories of the kids doing kamikaze jumps off their beds when they should have been sleeping I decided to fight back with a 2 hour trip to the Mullen Hall Playground. When I dropped them at Gramma's house so I could go to work they were filthy and tired. I just hope when I get home tonight my house doesn't look like a typhoon hit it and they are sleeping in their own beds. I can only hope.
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