Someone just said to me yesterday-I've been looking for a blog update. I hear this every once in a while when it gets stale around here, usually I am such a chatty Kathy I know. I think about my past blogging when my life was all hunky-dory and I only blogged about happy days and the fun shit I am doing with the kids.
So now my disclaimer is that the place is slowly going to the crapper. I either only blog once in a while about something good or I blog more often and you get to read my not-so-cupcake-filled life.
Right about now I am getting tired of being tired. The work never stops and I am trying not to realize that this is NOT going to get better. No one else will be washing the dishes, washing the bed sheets, folding the clothes, mowing the lawn, ect.....
The upside is when I talk to people that are professionals they say we are doing well and just keep on trucking. That is the story of my life-Just keep on trucking.
Today I had to explain that I could not meet the bus as I would be at work(tears to follow), hold down my daughter while they give her 2 giant shots(tears), receive a call from the principal about an item confiscated from my 6 year old and end that with a crying call about why work is taking so long and how come I can't come home. Joy!
Want to talk to me about the food? Sure as I make my way thru a bag of French twists. Do I get credit because I bought them in the Organic section? I think not. I am going to drink my last Click shake tomorrow and even that is getting old. I feel propped up on a rotten piece of wood and it is seeing it's last day.
Marching on.
The future of Fooseberrypie seems glum today. I am trying to seek out the sunshine but I just don't have the energy for it. I am trying to make fun plans for the future but right now they seem more like a burden.
1 comment:
Things to feel better with:
Campbell's Tomato Soup made w/milk
Miami Vice re-run's (mostly 4 the music)
lip gloss (idk why makes me feel ok)
Smile @ a stranger, they'll smile back (or think you're a "Level 3")
"Home Sweet Home" Yankee Candle
Madonna Immaculate Collection CD
Judy Blume's "Superfudge" book
A trip to local thrift shop
Vitamin D
Hope some of this helps! :)
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