It has been a nice school vacation. I never really knew how much I missed Olivia until she was home and giggling her pants off again. She has grown and I have missed it. She is quick witted and learning alot from school.
Today was a bit of a rough day. We are all hanging on the edge of a cold with runny noses and mild coughs. We stayed up WAY to late last night which didn't help. Today I ordered naps all around today.
Last night we got together with a group of friends for dinner. We have been doing this for the last few years instead of exchanging presents. It makes so much more sense. First of all our kids are growing and in different ages and grades so we just don't see each other anymore. Some of us still have kids home like me or some have got jobs during the day now as their kids are finally in all day school.WOOHOO! Anyway do we really need more crap? NO. It was a ton of fun. Lynn's house is big enough that kids enjoyed themselves and we ccould actually carry on a conversation. We did lose our kids a few times and of course my baby Ava was the kid that ended up naked but it is not a party unless someone gets naked right?
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